EliteDating Online dating

Meaning of Elite

According to cambridge.org They claim it means:

the richest,

most powerful, best-educated,

or best-trained group in a society:

Did you know in recorded history, or at least what we can find, we are the richest, most powerful, and overall most educated people. “we” meaning most people alive on earth today. For example, there is so many machines on the internet IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) does not have enough addresses (4,294,967,296 addresses) so IPv6 was invented. IPv6 has 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses. According to worldometers.info there is currently about 7.8 Billion (~78,000,000,000) people on earth. Adding all the machines in gizmodo.com states we will never run out of addresses. At least not for many generations. Who know what will be in place then. Why add this part? Just to help illustrate How much technology there is in the world. Every Phone, computer, server, tablet, every device that connects to the internet must have an IP address to talk to something else. Like you reading this blog. You are using a device, which is connected to the internet to a server. If so many people have a device or talk (connect) to another device, we the current people of earth are richer than any recorded time before us. You are part of the Elite.

Need another example. There is currently more educated people on earth today than any time recorded before now. Many attend and complete grade school, then going on to post secondary. Many of us dream of being the best at what we do. So many of us have opportunities available to us that many did not years ago. Look back a few decades, how many could go to school on a regular basis (world wide) compared to now. The average person to day can read, many several languages.

If you look around you will see we have the ability to be come almost anything we want to be. Could even most of our grandparents say that? most likely not. They were busy trying to survive.

If you can read this, you are most likely amongst the worlds Elite. Connect with other Elite Singles, find your Elite Date today

About the author: ed-net

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  1. Elite - May 5, 2020 at 1:14 am Reply

    Rich to me is being blessed by an Elite Partner. Someone I have loved for a very long time.

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